I will wait for you

As much as we all hunger for instant miracles, scriptures are filled with examples of men and women of God who had to wait on the Lord with much prayer, faith and patience for their miracles. Needless to say, during the waiting phase comes much temptation to give up hope. The circumstances that we “see” speak louder than the truth that we “don’t yet see”.

But, “…faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

One of my favorite patriarchs is Abraham, who did not get tired of believing. He believed….believed…. and still yet more, believed!! He could have perhaps been ridiculed by his family, friends or neighbors for believing that he will have a child even at 90 plus years old!! But nothing deterred him from believing!! Another favorite would be Hannah, who persisted in the secret place of Prayer when she was constantly provoked by Peninah. We all have the “Peninah voices” screaming in our ears, don’t we?

Our Faith may be burning like a dimly burning wick, but the voices of the Peninah’s come like a forceful wind to blow them away. But through it all, she PERSISTED, believing in her God.

And her persistent prayer, birthed a Samuel. This song talks about waiting on God with confidence that he will perfect everything that concerns us.

“…imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:12

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